If you gave a musician an instrument
The result could be life-changing for the musician and their community. Bridging Events Bridging Events looks for opportunities to connect people in meaningful and supportive ways. The focus is on bridging the gap between professionals and music students and impacting the greater community. Khonaye Ntaba 2021 recipient, Khonaye, is a quietly driven musician who teaches music…
The 3 Safaris you must experience
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ante Aristippus, et ille melius. Nos paucis ad haec additis finem faciamus aliquando; Ergo adhuc, quantum equidem intellego, causa non videtur fuisse mutandi nominis. Quia nec honesto quic quam honestius nec turpi turpius. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Legimus tamen Diogenem, Antipatrum, Mnesarchum, Panaetium, multos alios in…
Piano Masterclass 5th & 12th SEP
Bridging Events invites aspiring pianists to apply to take part in an interactive masterclass online and receive constructive feedback from Steinway Artist Christopher Duigan. The shared learning experience is of great value to students, teachers and music lovers. If you teach or are an advanced piano student (Grade 6 onwards), have been preparing for exams…